

Zoe­beli Communications cre­ates annu­al reports for 2023

Zoe­beli Communications cre­ates annu­al reports for 2023

Wheth­er Star­rag­T­ornos, Mik­ron or Adv­al Tech: all of these lead­ing Swiss indus­tri­al groups rely on the expert­ise of Zoe­beli Communications for their annu­al reports. After a pre­cise ana­lys­is of the customer's needs and the con­cep­tion of the report­ing, we were also able...

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Mer­ger communication for Star­rag and Tornos

Mer­ger communication for Star­rag and Tornos

A key suc­cess factor in mer­gers and acquis­i­tions is adequate communication with all stake­hold­ers involved. Dur­ing the mer­ger of the two lis­ted indus­tri­al groups Star­rag and Tornos to form the Star­rag­T­ornos Group in Decem­ber 2023, Zoe­beli Communications relied on inter­dis­cip­lin­ary col­lab­or­a­tion, trans­par­ency and pre­cise tim­ing.

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Tornos pub­lishes Annu­al Report digit­ally for the first time

Tornos pub­lishes Annu­al Report digit­ally for the first time

More and more com­pan­ies are decid­ing to pub­lish their annu­al report online and to use the poten­tial of digit­al present­a­tion. Our cus­tom­er Tornos also launched a digit­al Annu­al Report for the first time this year. The online ver­sion offers real added value: in addi­tion...

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Do you still see or do you already per­ceive?

Do you still see or do you already per­ceive?

The cur­rent magazine of the Diac­onis Found­a­tion has arrived. In this issue, everything revolves around the top­ic of per­cep­tion. How do we exper­i­ence our envir­on­ment? What do our senses per­ceive and what do we make of it? Zoe­beli Communications has accom­pan­ied the...

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How exactly does the elec­tron­ic patient record work?

How exactly does the elec­tron­ic patient record work?

Too com­plic­ated? Too expens­ive? Too slow? The intro­duc­tion of the elec­tron­ic patient record is caus­ing heated debate in the health­care industry. Mean­while, the first patients are open­ing their elec­tron­ic dossiers – and are bene­fit­ing from the stor­age of all med­ic­al...

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Communication for Salome Brun­ner Found­a­tion

Communication for Salome Brun­ner Found­a­tion

The Salome Brun­ner Found­a­tion provides hol­ist­ic sup­port and encour­age­ment for chil­dren and young people with a speech imped­i­ment or cog­nit­ive impair­ment. Zoe­beli Communications sup­ports them in questions of communication and, among oth­er things, real­ized the annu­al...

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Elec­tron­ic patient record

Elec­tron­ic patient record

The intro­duc­tion of the elec­tron­ic patient record is an import­ant step in the digit­al­isa­tion of health­care. Zoe­beli Communications advises eHealth Suisse on all communication issues. We also cre­ate edit­or­i­al and design con­tent for the web­site and social media chan­nels.

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“Clean water for all life”

“Clean water for all life”

The muni­cip­al asso­ci­ation of ARA Worb­ent­al man­ages the third largest wastewa­ter treat­ment plant in the can­ton of Bern. Among oth­er things, read­ers can find out why water pro­tec­tion is so essen­tial in this year's annu­al report. We sup­por­ted ARA Worb­ent­al with the...

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Digit­al annu­al report for the Mik­ron Group

Digit­al annu­al report for the Mik­ron Group

The Mik­ron Group looks back on a suc­cess­ful year of 2021. All fin­an­cial fig­ures have improved sig­ni­fic­antly in com­par­is­on to last year. We sup­por­ted Mik­ron in imple­ment­ing ad hoc communication with an online and a prin­ted ver­sion of the annu­al report.

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SwissFactory.Group is “Top innov­at­ive Unternehmung 2022”

SwissFactory.Group is “Top innov­at­ive Unternehmung 2022”

Swiss Factory.Group AG is one of the most innov­at­ive com­pan­ies in Switzer­land - this is the con­clu­sion of the Bil­anz rat­ing "Top innov­at­ive com­pany 2022". The Group achieved 2nd place in the mech­an­ic­al and vehicle engin­eer­ing and indus­tri­al tech­no­logy sec­tor. In the...

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Mod­ern employ­ee recruit­ment

Mod­ern employ­ee recruit­ment

Recruit­ing films are an attract­ive way to address new employ­ees. Com­pan­ies can present them­selves as inter­est­ing employ­ers and at the same time give poten­tial new employ­ees an insight into the com­pany. Our cus­tom­er Flum­roc has also chosen this path. In the film "Rock...

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Web­site for “Bauch Med­iz­in Bienne”

Web­site for “Bauch Med­iz­in Bienne”

The gast­roen­ter­o­lo­gic­al prac­tice "Bauch Med­iz­in Bienne" presents itself with a fresh and inform­at­ive web­site. Zoe­beli Communications was respons­ible for the concept, texts, and design. Our part­ner duoo imple­men­ted the web­site tech­nic­ally.

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New fed­er­al tour­ism strategy

New fed­er­al tour­ism strategy

The Fed­er­al Coun­cil adop­ted the Confederation's new tour­ism strategy in Novem­ber 2021. This forms the basis for the Swiss tour­ism policy. Zoe­beli Communications took over the design concept and laid out the report in four lan­guages. The res­ult is a bro­chure with...

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Wel­come Regine and Juli­an!

Wel­come Regine and Juli­an!

We are very pleased to wel­come Regine Ger­ber and Juli­an Bugn­er as new mem­bers of our team. The 37-year-old Regine Ger­ber brings with her a Master's degree in communication sci­ence and media research as well as many years of exper­i­ence as a journ­al­ist and as a...

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Fly­er Tour­ism For­um Switzer­land

Fly­er Tour­ism For­um Switzer­land

What oppor­tun­it­ies does sus­tain­able devel­op­ment offer for tour­ism? Experts dis­cussed this at this year's Tour­ism For­um Switzer­land. Zoe­beli Communications designed the pro­gram fly­er for the event.

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Intro­duc­tion of Elec­tron­ic Patient Record

Intro­duc­tion of Elec­tron­ic Patient Record

The elec­tron­ic patient record (EPR) is a digit­al col­lec­tion of import­ant health inform­a­tion. It will be launched gradu­ally in all regions of Switzer­land dur­ing 2021 and 2022. We are pleased to sup­port eHealth Suisse, the com­pet­ence and coordin­a­tion cen­ter of the...

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Cus­tom­er magazine with high iden­ti­fic­a­tion poten­tial

Cus­tom­er magazine with high iden­ti­fic­a­tion poten­tial

Pro­tec­tion of his­tor­ic­al monu­ments or cli­mate pro­tec­tion – many pro­jects fail because of this appar­ent con­tra­dic­tion. In her cus­tom­er magazine Nova, stone wool pro­du­cer Flum­roc shows that there is anoth­er way. The col­or illus­trated magazine focuses on authen­t­ic...

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How to com­mu­nic­ate mass lay­offs cor­rectly

How to com­mu­nic­ate mass lay­offs cor­rectly

Com­mu­nic­at­ing job cuts requires not only the right words, but also metic­u­lous plan­ning. If the job reduc­tion is a mass dis­missal, the leg­al reg­u­la­tions must be observed exactly. In recent weeks, we have sup­por­ted sev­er­al com­pan­ies in pre­par­ing for mass lay­offs and...

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Investor Rela­tions in times of Corona

Investor Rela­tions in times of Corona

Many indus­tri­al com­pan­ies suf­fer from the con­sequences of the Corona pan­dem­ic. Also in this dif­fi­cult sum­mer, Zoe­beli Communications sup­ports its cus­tom­ers in both ad hoc extern­al and intern­al communications.

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Annu­al reports 2019

Annu­al reports 2019

The annu­al reports 2019 are online and prin­ted. A par­tic­u­larly sens­it­ive top­ic in times of corona: the out­look for the cur­rent fisc­al year. We are happy about the suc­cess­ful pub­lic­a­tions by Adv­al Tech, Mik­ron, Tornos, SVTI and ARA Worblent­al.

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New appear­ance for the Mold & Robot­ics Group

New appear­ance for the Mold & Robot­ics Group

The Mold & Robot­ics Group with sub­si­di­ar­ies in Switzer­land and the USA is a glob­al lead­er in mold mak­ing and auto­ma­tion tech­no­logy for the devel­op­ment of thin-walled plastic pack­aging. MULLER stands world­wide for innov­a­tion, reli­ab­il­ity, qual­ity, com­pet­ence and...

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New Man­aging Dir­ect­or for Flum­roc AG

New Man­aging Dir­ect­or for Flum­roc AG

Stone wool - an excit­ing and sus­tain­able product from Switzer­land. We have been advising the pro­du­cer Flum­roc AG in communications for years. This also applies to the cur­rent change in man­age­ment. You can find the flyer​ here.

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Flum­roc NOVA 2019

Flum­roc NOVA 2019

The cur­rent issue of Flumroc's cus­tom­er magazine NOVA is now avail­able. You can order it at:

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ARA Worblent­al

ARA Worblent­al

The ARA Worblent­al ensures clean water in the Bern region and main­tains an act­ive dia­logue with the pub­lic. The newly con­ceived and redesigned annu­al report is inten­ded to make a con­tri­bu­tion to this.

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Con­tact us

Zoe­beli Communications AG
Effinger­strasse 6
3011 Bern

Phone: +41 31 328 39 39
Fax: +41 31 328 39 30

Zoe­beli Communications – The PR agency for all your communication needs.

Leading Swiss Agencies