We plan and man­age communication pro­cesses. And we suc­cess­fully imple­ment suit­able meas­ures.

We are uncom­prom­ising in our com­mit­ment to qual­ity.

Our agency was cer­ti­fied accord­ing to the inter­na­tion­ally recog­nized Con­sultancy Man­age­ment Stand­ard CMS II in 2007 and accord­ing to the exten­ded stand­ard CMS III in 2017.

About us

Our agency was estab­lished by the CEO and pro­pri­et­or, Peter Zoe­beli, in 1995. We work for lis­ted indus­tri­al com­pan­ies, pub­lic-sec­tor admin­is­tra­tions, health­care organ­iz­a­tions and SMEs in selec­ted mar­kets. Since 2006 we area mem­ber of LSA ( Until 2020 BPRA). Our agency was cer­ti­fied in 2007 accord­ing to the inter­na­tion­ally recog­nized Con­sultancy Man­age­ment Stand­ard CMS II and, in 2013, accord­ing to the exten­ded stand­ard CMS III. We have also been a mem­ber of the Swiss Soci­ety of Investor Rela­tions Agen­cies (GIRAS) since 1 Octo­ber 2012.




years of exper­i­ence

"I got the NOVA on the table today. I am very happy about the res­ult, thank you very much for the great cooper­a­tion."

Céline Voser, Pro­ject Man­ager Mar­ket­ing Flum­roc AG

"Many thanks for the bro­chure and the exhib­i­tion posters. They look great to me. I can see that you've put a lot of effort into them and it has def­in­itely paid off."

Stefan Graf, Vor­steher Nation­al­strassen­bau Kan­ton Bern

"I really like your sug­ges­tion! Thank you very much."

Valer­ia Por­etti, mem­ber of the Adv­al Tech Exec­ut­ive Com­mit­tee

"The prin­ted news­let­ter arrived here this morn­ing. It's beau­ti­fully designed and the print looks super too. Thanks for all your good work."

Jes­sica Wull­schleger, Inform­a­tion and Communications, Fed­er­al Roads Office FEDRO

"The 15 res­id­ent inform­a­tion leaf­lets for Wein­in­gen have arrived and look great. Thank you very much!"

Karin Unkrig, Inform­a­tion and Communications, Fed­er­al Roads Office FEDRO

"The annu­al report has been well received both intern­ally and extern­ally. The concept with the new text ele­ments and lay­out has been a suc­cess."

Mar­tin Blom, CFO Mik­ron Gruppe

"I really like the res­ults of your pro­ject. It gets over the inform­a­tion in a short and suc­cinct way. I wish you con­tin­ued suc­cess!"

Beat Müh­lethaler, May­or of Port

"WOW! Fant­ast­ic! Thanks VERY MUCH for edit­ing our texts so quickly."

Claudia Zül­lig-Landolt, co-own­er of Hotel Schweizer­hof Len­zer­heide

"Our new web­site is fant­ast­ic. It rein­forces our brand­ing."

Axel Warth, Mik­ron Machin­ing, Mik­ron SA Agno

"Thanks very much for the text. As always it con­veys the mes­sage per­fectly!"

Andreas Zül­lig, Pres­id­ent of hoteller­ie­suisse

"The new web­site is fant­ast­ic! Many thanks for your excel­lent work – espe­cially under pres­sure. Great team­work!"

Jean-François Bauer, Mik­ron SA Boudry

"Thank you so much for the pro­ject video. It's both inform­at­ive and inter­est­ing. You and your whole team have done a great job."

Sandra Hess, May­or of Nidau

"Great text, Mr Zoe­beli!"

Michael Haus­er, CEO Tornos Gruppe

"Con­grat­u­la­tions on the new "togeth­er". I think this one is espe­cially good! Thanks!!!"

Bruno Catho­men, CEO Mik­ron Gruppe

"Thank you very much for your com­mit­ment and unfault­able ser­vice."

Mar­lene Beer, Mar­ket­ing Pro­ject Man­ager at Flum­roc AG

Find us here!

Effinger­strasse 6
3011 Bern

Con­tact us

Zoe­beli Communications AG
Effinger­strasse 6
3011 Bern

Phone: +41 31 328 39 39
Fax: +41 31 328 39 30
Mail: info@zoebelicom.ch

Zoe­beli Communications – The PR agency for all your communication needs.

Leading Swiss Agencies