We are very pleased to wel­come Regine Ger­ber and Juli­an Bugn­er as new mem­bers of our team. The 37-year-old Regine Ger­ber brings with her a Master’s degree in communication sci­ence and media research as well as many years of exper­i­ence as a journ­al­ist and as a communications staff mem­ber of a nation­al asso­ci­ation. She has also trained as a digit­al pub­lish­er and social media pro­du­cer. At Zoe­beli Communication, Regine Ger­ber works as a pro­ject man­ager and edit­or.

Juli­an Bugn­er, a 21-year-old from the can­ton of Bern, com­pleted his 4-year train­ing as a media tech­ni­cian with a voca­tion­al bac­ca­laur­eate and spe­cial­ises in the lay­out and design of print media and digit­al applic­a­tions. In his new pos­i­tion, he replaces Lukas Glaus­er, who will be tak­ing on a new pro­fes­sion­al chal­lenge after three years of com­mit­ment in our team. We thank Lukas Glaus­er for his great com­mit­ment over the past three years.