Peter Zoe­beli

Agency founder and head


Peter Zoe­beli is a vet­er­an pub­lic-rela­tions and communication con­sult­ant with many years of exper­i­ence. After estab­lish­ing Win­ter­thur com­pany Rieter’s pub­lic rela­tions pos­i­tion at Hold­ing level in the late 80s, in 1992 he joined the fed­er­al Integ­ra­tion Office FDFA/FDEA in Berne as the man­dated lead­er of their EEA inform­a­tion cam­paign. Since 1995, he has acted with his agency as con­sult­ant to vari­ous fed­er­al offices as well as not­able quoted indus­tri­al groups, includ­ing Adv­al Tech, Mik­ron or Star­rag­T­ornos. From 1998 to 2004, Peter Zoe­beli was Pres­id­ent of the Pro­fes­sion­al Register Com­mis­sion of PR Suisse, the Swiss Pub­lic Rela­tions Asso­ci­ation BR/SPRG. His key activ­it­ies include Stra­tegic con­sult­ing, Investor Rela­tions and Change Communications.

years at zoe­belicom

vari­et­ies of tea

pas­sion for geor­gia

Three questions to Peter Zoe­beli

Which phrase always fits?
We must close the gaps, attack faster, and launch our strikers bet­ter. (Which at least applies in foot­ball and polit­ics.)

What par­tic­u­larly annoys you about poor communication?
That excel­lent achieve­ments in many oth­er areas can be undone at one stroke.

If I hadn’t become a communication con­sult­ant …
… I prob­ably would be a sports journ­al­ist or dog­sit­ter.

Helena Jansen