Bauch Med­iz­in Bienne

The prac­tice “Bauch Med­iz­in Bienne” cov­erst he entire spec­trum of gast­roen­ter­o­logy and is spe­cial­ized in the treat­ment of Crohn-Colit­is dis­eases. We sup­port them in the devel­op­ment of the prac­tice appear­ance and con­sults them in fur­ther communication issues.
  • Con­sulta­tion
  • Cor­por­ate Design
  • Web­site
  • Com­m­un­ca­tion with patients and assign­ers
  • Pub­lic rela­tions
  • Con­cep­tion of a sub­brand

Com­m­un­ca­tion with patients and refer­ring doc­tors

Prac­tice appear­ance

Logo and visu­al appear­ance with col­ors, fonts and imagery cre­ate iden­tity and recog­ni­tion. Togeth­er with the Büro Destruct we developed the prac­tice appear­ance of “Bauch Med­iz­in Bienne”.

We helped to com­mu­nic­ate the new open­ing pro­fes­sion­ally to patients and refer­ring doc­tors.

  • Concept and struc­ture
  • Con­tent Edit­or­i­al
  • Lay­out and imagery
  • Real­iz­a­tion


Togeth­er with the design office duoo we real­ized the new web­site for the gast­roen­ter­o­lo­gic­al prac­tice “Bauch Med­iz­in Bienne”.

  • Concept and struc­ture
  • Edit­ing con­tents
  • Lay­out and imagery
  • Real­iz­a­tion


Under the umbrella of “Bauch Med­iz­in Bienne” is also an integ­rated fam­ily prac­tice. We con­ceived the sub-brand “Hausärzt:innen Bienne” and designed the logo, let­ter­heads and busi­ness cards in col­lab­or­a­tion with Büro Destruct.

Fur­ther ref­er­ences

Con­tact us

Zoe­beli Communications AG
Effinger­strasse 6
3011 Bern

Phone: +41 31 328 39 39
Fax: +41 31 328 39 30

Zoe­beli Communications – The PR agency for all your communication needs.

Leading Swiss Agencies