We put com­plex­ity in a nutshell.

Our ser­vices

We plan and man­age communication pro­cesses. And we suc­cess­fully imple­ment suit­able meas­ures. We would be pleased to do so for you, too.

Adv­al Tech:
Adding value through innov­a­tion

Find­ing answers today to the questions of tomor­row

Muller Tech­no­logy:
A place where innov­a­tion grows

Part­ner at the fron­ti­er of innov­a­tions

Cor­por­ate Communications
“Communication was poor.” This phrase has become a com­mon­place. It is almost uni­ver­sally used when some­thing has gone wrong. There is a rem­edy for this: pro­fes­sion­al plan­ning and man­aging of pro­cesses for integ­ral communication. Cor­por­ate Communications are the cent­ral nervous sys­tem of any com­pany and insti­tu­tion. Prop­erly planned and imple­men­ted, they cre­ate under­stand­ing, accept­ance, and trust: the basis for an endur­ing suc­cess.
Change Communications
Wheth­er it be crises to be dealt with, mer­gers involving clashes of diver­gent cor­por­ate cul­tures, or the restruc­tur­ing of oper­a­tions: dur­ing a change-man­age­ment pro­cess, employ­ees often live in a state of uncer­tainty: How will things con­tin­ue? What will hap­pen to me? Through pro­fes­sion­ally planned and imple­men­ted change-man­age­ment communications we make sure that your co-work­ers feel them­selves taken ser­i­ously as part­ners in dia­logue, recog­nise the oppor­tun­it­ies of change, remain con­fid­ent in their lead­er­ship, and are pre­pared to tackle new tasks with renewed vigour.
Investor Rela­tions

The shareholder’s decision to invest is not based on num­bers alone. It is often oth­er factors which tip the scales: the cor­por­ate strategy’s per­suas­ive­ness, for instance, the exec­ut­ive board’s mana­geri­al qual­it­ies, or the firm’s poten­tial in the rel­ev­ant tar­get mar­kets. Com­mu­nic­at­ing these cru­cial points clearly and con­vin­cingly is one of the great strengths of Zoe­beli Communications AG. What’s more, we ensure that your ad-hoc pub­li­city will be per­fect.

Issues Man­age­ment
Thanks to sys­tem­at­ic issues man­age­ment, you are always com­pre­hens­ively up to speed on all mat­ters of rel­ev­ance to you. In this respect, you know the con­cerns of your envir­on­ment, act­ively par­ti­cip­ate in opin­ion mak­ing, and are able to anti­cip­ate all rel­ev­ant devel­op­ments. We provide sup­port with estab­lish­ing a suit­able man­age­ment sys­tem, with the ana­lys­is of oppor­tun­it­ies and risks, and the imple­ment­a­tion of tar­geted communication meas­ures.
Cor­por­ate Iden­tity
Every organ­isa­tion, com­pany and brand has an iden­tity – wheth­er inten­tion­ally so or not. Don’t leave the core func­tion of your enter­prise to chance: With a con­sciously planned and real­ised cor­por­ate iden­tity you will strengthen your organ­isa­tion both intern­ally and extern­ally. We provide assist­ance in har­mon­ising the cul­tures, val­ues, communication and visu­al appear­ance of your com­pany. Through tar­geted indi­vidu­al meas­ures we cul­tiv­ate your brand, and on the basis of your object­ives devel­op cus­tom-made cor­por­ate design – includ­ing a logo express­ing the unique­ness of your com­pany.
Pub­lic Affairs
Pub­lic Affairs is the inter­face between busi­ness, polit­ics, and soci­ety. No ven­ture can oper­ate isol­ated from polit­ics and soci­ety. Hence we ana­lyse, plan and organ­ise rela­tions with gov­ern­ment, legis­lature and author­it­ies on all levels. We rep­res­ent your interests vis-à-vis these insti­tu­tions, and on your behalf we act­ively shape the pro­cess of opin­ion mak­ing. Con­versely, we sup­port author­it­ies and pub­lic insti­tu­tions in effi­ciently com­mu­nic­at­ing com­plex themes and issues to the inten­ded tar­get audi­ences.
Cor­por­ate Pub­lish­ing
Inform your tar­get groups with clear mes­sages, excit­ing con­tent, and a con­vin­cing lay­out! Wheth­er print products or elec­tron­ic media: on your behalf, we handle con­cep­tion, edit­ing and pro­duc­tion of your desired pub­lic­a­tion, from in-house news­let­ter through cus­tom­er magazine and web­site to illus­trated bro­chure. Catchy ideas, journ­al­ist­ic know-how, and long-stand­ing exper­i­ence in effi­cient real­isa­tion of pub­lic­a­tions in Eng­lish, Ger­man, French and Itali­an are the strong suit of Zoe­beli Communications.
Media Rela­tions
Our media communication advisers all have many years of suc­cess­ful exper­i­ence in journ­al­ism. They per­form their media work like they, as journ­al­ists, might expect from PR pro­fes­sion­als.
Live Communications
Live Communication plays an increas­ingly import­ant role in the communication mix of firms and insti­tu­tions. Well-planned and man­aged live communication uses the full poten­tial of dir­ect and per­son­al tar­get group address, is per­suas­ive through high authen­ti­city, and cre­ates pos­it­ive emo­tions. We have the expert­ise and the required tech­niques to suc­cess­fully organ­ise and per­form events, exhib­i­tions, and stage-man­aged present­a­tions of all sizes.
Online Communications
Don’t leave your pres­ence on the inter­net and social media to chance! Have your pub­lic appear­ance pro­fes­sion­ally designed and tar­geted. We will be glad to assist your busi­ness enter­prise with our expert know­ledge and exper­i­ence. Wheth­er it be a web­site, social media plat­form, news­let­ter, blog, pod­cast, mobile communications or online mon­it­or­ing – we will take care of the pro­fes­sion­al plan­ning and real­isa­tion of your optim­al online pres­ence.
Product PR
We present your products in just the right way, cre­at­ing a pos­it­ive pub­lic image. We draw on per­son­al con­tact with daily and spe­cial­ist pub­lic­a­tions to get your mes­sages across. We make sure that your products are noticed, tried out and bought over and over again by con­sumers with the help of media releases, advert­ise­ment fea­tures, pro­mo­tions and events.
Intern­al Communications
To us, intern­al communications is a cru­cial lead­er­ship tool with which you can decis­ively influ­ence the suc­cess of your com­pany or insti­tu­tion. A con­tinu­ous dia­logue with your employ­ees that is well planned and pro­fes­sion­ally man­aged lays the found­a­tion for effi­cient know­ledge trans­fer as well as employ­ee motiv­a­tion and iden­ti­fic­a­tion. We provide help and sup­port with both plan­ning and imple­ment­a­tion. Effi­ciently and across the media uni­verse.
Copy­writ­ing and edit­ing
If you want your mes­sages to be com­pre­hens­ible and con­vin­cing, you must for­mu­late them clearly with abso­lutely no mis­takes. Altern­at­ively, you could hire a copy­writer. We cre­ate and edit texts for many dif­fer­ent pur­poses includ­ing web texts, bro­chures, cus­tom­er mail­ings and press releases as well as spe­cial­ist sci­entif­ic art­icles and annu­al reports. Our ser­vice is quick, simple, well-priced and per­son­al and texts are always checked by three edit­ors.

Happy to help you!

Con­tact us

Zoe­beli Communications AG
Effinger­strasse 6
3011 Bern

Phone: +41 31 328 39 39
Fax: +41 31 328 39 30
Mail: info@zoebelicom.ch

Zoe­beli Communications – The PR agency for all your communication needs.

Leading Swiss Agencies