Patri­cia Zoe­beli

Admin­is­tra­tion and con­sult­ing


Patri­cia Zoe­beli-Arnold com­pleted her aca­dem­ic stud­ies at Zurich University’s Fac­ulty of Law in 1991. Sub­sequently, as sci­entif­ic assist­ant at the Fed­er­al Office for Refugees in Zurich and Berne, she examined applic­a­tions for asylum. In 1995 she co-foun­ded Zoe­beli Communications, PLC, and until 2005 mainly handled the agency’s admin­is­trat­ive affairs. Since com­plet­ing her post­gradu­ate Cer­ti­fic­ate of Advanced Stud­ies (CAS) in Cor­por­ate Communications at the Swiss PR Insti­tute, she has also been increas­ingly act­ive in con­sultancy.

years at zoe­belicom



Three questions to Patri­cia Zoe­beli

If you hadn’t become a law­yer, …
… maybe today I would run a small, exquis­ite pastry shop.

What is it you abso­lutely still want to exper­i­ence?
A winter jour­ney through Lap­land. I would like to see the polar lights and enjoy the quiet and vast­ness of the north.

Why do you enjoy work­ing in communications?
Communications is my whole life. I need to inter­act with oth­er people, wheth­er on a pro­fes­sion­al or per­son­al level. I’ve been told I even talk in my sleep.

Franziska Leuenberger