Mar­tin Kuster

Pro­ject Man­ager and Edit­or
Portraitfoto von Martin Kuster

PR spe­cial­ist with a fed­er­al cer­ti­fic­ate

Mar­tin Kuster can look back on many years of exper­i­ence as a journ­al­ist and edit­or in cor­por­ate communications. His career ini­tially took him from a private radio sta­tion in Aar­gau to Zoe­beli Communications. He came full circle via Radio SRF, the Key­stone-SDA news agency and a found­a­tion for people with dis­ab­il­it­ies: the PR spe­cial­ist is now back at Zoe­beli Communications. Here he can live out his per­fec­tion­ism. Wheth­er it’s per­fectly worded stor­ies or just a comma in the right place: Mar­tin Kuster is pas­sion­ate about lan­guage.

years at zoe­belicom


espressos a day

Three questions to Mar­tin Kuster

What char­ac­ter­izes good communication?
It con­veys excit­ing con­tent at eye level.

If I didn’t work as an edit­or, …
… I would be at a loss. I can’t do any­thing else.

For me, lan­guage is …
… the full­ness of life in spoken or prin­ted form.

Peter Zoebeli