Jan­ine Zum­stein

Pro­ject Man­ager / Edit­or

Mas­ter of Arts in Communication Stud­ies and Media Research

Jan­ine Zum­stein stud­ied trans­la­tion at the Zurich Uni­ver­sity of Applied Sci­ences. She then went on to com­plete a Bachelor’s degree in Ger­man Stud­ies at the Uni­ver­sity of Bern. She also holds a CAS in Communication for Non-Profit Organ­iz­a­tions. She owes her prac­tic­al pro­fes­sion­al exper­i­ence to vari­ous pos­i­tions at non-profit organ­iz­a­tions and found­a­tions. She also worked for sev­er­al years as a proofreader/editor, pro­ject assist­ant and pro­ject man­ager in vari­ous fields.


con­tin­ents vis­ited

hours of sport’s activ­it­ies per year

Three questions to Jan­ine Zum­stein

Good communication…
…is char­ac­ter­ized by con­cise­ness and rel­ev­ance.

If I wasn’t a communications spe­cial­ist,
I would be a globe­trot­ter.

Speech­less I am,
when I cross the Kornhaus Bridge at sun­rise.


Stefan Zahler