The Swiss elec­tric­al retail­ers asso­ci­ation eev is aim­ing to stay on the ball with the latest digit­al solu­tions, thus advan­cing the elec­tric­al sec­tor. Under its slo­gan for this year, “digit­ally per­son­al”, the focus is still on per­son­al con­tact – includ­ing at the eev Gen­er­al Meet­ing on 15 June 2018. Some 400 cooper­at­ive mem­bers, busi­ness part­ners and guests atten­ded the event with an accom­pa­ny­ing exhib­i­tion, and used the oppor­tun­ity for spe­cial­ist dis­cus­sions. Once again this year, Zoe­beli Communications was respons­ible for the press release and vari­ous art­icles regard­ing the Gen­er­al Meet­ing – from plan­ning, edit­ing and coordin­a­tion up to mail­ing.