
The lis­ted Mik­ron Group devel­ops and mar­kets machin­ing and auto­ma­tion solu­tions for high-pre­ci­sion man­u­fac­tur­ing pro­cesses. It is a lead­ing glob­al part­ner to com­pan­ies in the auto­mot­ive, phar­ma­ceut­ic­al, med­ic­al device, con­sumer goods, writ­ing instru­ment and watch­mak­ing indus­tries. Its two divi­sions, Mik­ron Auto­ma­tion and Mik­ron Machin­ing, are based in Switzer­land at Boudry and Agno. The com­pany has addi­tion­al pro­duc­tion facil­it­ies in Ger­many, Singa­pore, China and the US. Mik­ron Hold­ing AG shares are traded on SIX Swiss Exchange. 

Our brief
We advise the Group on all its cor­por­ate communications. Among oth­er things, we pro­duce its annu­al report as well as an in-house magazine. We also cre­ated the Group’s web portal and we provide media rela­tions sup­port.

Since 2011