Can­ton of Berne, Civil Engin­eer­ing Office

The Can­ton of Berne is seek­ing to improve traffic flows with a new motor­way bypass around Biel/Bienne. The pub­lic con­sulta­tion for the west­ern sec­tion of the pro­ject was held at the begin­ning of 2017.

Our brief
We assisted the canton’s Civil Engin­eer­ing Office with all aspects of communication. Based on an over­arch­ing communications concept, we cre­ated a web­site, designed an exhib­i­tion and pro­duced a bro­chure. The can­ton was par­tic­u­larly keen to use par­ti­cip­at­ive meth­ods. We sup­por­ted the can­ton in its communications with muni­cip­al­it­ies, stake­hold­ers and loc­al res­id­ents.

2015 to 2017