Sustainability communications
From customized to standardized reporting in compliance with the CSRD
We help you communicate transparently about your commitment to the environment and the climate. Regulatory requirements have applied to large Swiss companies since January 1, 2024. The topics include risks and measures in the areas of the environment, social affairs, human rights, and combating corruption. At the same time, the EU has adopted the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which defines the non-financial reporting of companies operating in the EU.
We have been advising companies and public administrations on sustainability reporting for many years. We ensure clear, transparent communication in compliance with the applicable laws and standards. We also help them avoid greenwashing.

We are a member of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) community. The GRI has established itself as the global standard for sustainability reporting. We are happy to support you with your GRI reporting.

As a Certified Sustainability Reporting Specialist (CSRS), we assist clients with their integrated reporting in accordance with the CSRD.
Step by step
How to write your sustainability report according to the CSRD
Joint kick-off
What goals are you pursuing in the area of sustainability? Which legal framework conditions affect you? How credibly are you communicating your journey towards becoming a consistently sustainable company? After a kick-off workshop, you will have a roadmap with milestones, responsibilities, and a timetable. You can start the project confidently and efficiently.
Materiality analysis
A materiality analysis is at the heart of every CSRD report. The EU standards provide clear guidelines on content and documentation. Together, we identify the relevant stakeholders and supply chains, evaluate the results in terms of impact and financial materiality, and document the steps in a clear and transparent manner. With an attractive presentation of the interim results, we create the basis for the next phase: targeted data collection.
Data collection
With our support, you can collect data and facts reliably and systematically. We guide you through the process in a structured manner.
Design and implementation of your sustainability report
You have already invested a great deal in your sustainability management - make your successes visible on all channels! Communicate authentically and transparently about your progress and challenges in order to strengthen trust in your company.
Good to know
Are you looking for input for your sustainability communications?
Our team has many years of experience in sustainability communications and is familiar with the specific requirements and trends (in German only).

07. November 2024
Wie entwickelt man eine Stakeholder-Analyse?
Die Stakeholder-Analyse ist fester Bestandteil jeder integrierten Berichterstattung und so vielseitig wir die berichtenden Unternehmen selbst. Die Anforderung an die Standardisierung steigen jedoch mit der neuen Corporate Social Reporting Directive (CSRD).

20. August 2024
Abkürzungen bis zum Umfallen: ESG, CSRD und Co. im Überblick
Wer sich mit der Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung beschäftigt, kommt an ihnen nicht vorbei: Abkürzungen. ESG, CSRD, NFRD, ESRS, EFRAG, XBRL, GRI – die Liste ist so lang wie kompliziert. Mit der Übersicht von Zoebeli Communications behalten Sie den Überblick.

02. August 2024
Nachhaltigkeitsbericht mit Transparenz statt Greenwashing
Was macht einen Nachhaltigkeitsbericht glaubwürdig? Und wann vermittelt ein Bericht eher Unsicherheit statt Transparenz? Auf folgende Punkte müssen Sie achten.