
Financial and capital market communications

Win over investors and retain them in the long term

Shareholders' investment decisions are not just based on figures alone. Other factors are often decisive: the persuasiveness of the corporate strategy, the management qualities of the executive board, or potential in the relevant target markets. Communicating this clearly and convincingly is one of Zoebeli Communications' core competencies.

With years of expertise in financial matters and a keen sense for an appealing look and the right tone, we realize your entire financial communications from concept to text to design.

  • Developing lively, authentic equity stories
  • Designing and realizing semi-annual and annual reports with online implementation
  • Editing ad hoc announcements and corporate news
  • Designing presentations for investors and analysts
  • Implementing non-financial reporting
  • Developing and designing investor relations presentations

«Trust in financial market communications is a fragile asset – difficult to gain, and easy to lose.»

– Peter Zoebeli, Chairman of the Board and Consultant, Zoebeli Communications AG


Financial communications in line with the latest stock exchange regulations

Stock exchange laws and regulations are constantly changing. We keep up to date and actively support our clients in implementing compliant and attractive financial and capital market communications.

20. Februar 2024

Fusionskommunikation für Starrag und Tornos

Bei der Fusion der beiden börsenkotierten Industriekonzerne Starrag und Tornos zur StarragTornos Group im Dezember 2023 setzte Zoebeli Communications auf interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit, Transparenz und exaktes Timing.

21. März 2023

Tornos veröffentlicht Annual Report erstmals digital

Immer mehr Unternehmen entscheiden sich, ihren Geschäftsbericht online zu publizieren und das Potenzial der digitalen Aufbereitung zu nutzen.

05. April 2022

Digitaler Jahresbericht für die Mikron Gruppe

Seit vielen Jahren schreiben und gestalten wir den Geschäftsbericht der Mikron Gruppe. 2021 publizierte die Mikron Gruppe ihren Geschäftsbericht erstmals ausschliesslich digital.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Curious as to how we’d bring your project to life? Give us a call – with no strings attached. No queues, no customer tickets – just direct, personal support from the outset.