Andreas Zimmermann
Freelance Graphic Designer

Graphic Designer
Andreas Zimmermann began his creative journey by training as a designer in Germany. He gained experience both nationally and internationally, particularly as an Art Director at several renowned agencies. As the owner of Ideentität GmbH, he now serves both public administrations and private sector clients. His portfolio includes innovative branding concepts, user-oriented layouts, and compelling advertising campaigns. Andreas Zimmermann shares with us his unwavering passion for art and design. For many years, Zoebeli Communications has enjoyed a rewarding and intense collaboration with him.
YB matches per year
jump into the wintery Aare
hours of gardening per month
Straightforward insights
Three questions for Andreas Zimmermann
Why do designers have the best job in the world?
Because they do what they love to do every day.
What do you find particularly difficult?
Not communicating.
When is a design project a success?
When the customers are satisfied from A(ndreas) to Z(immermann).